Monday, June 30, 2008

First Blog Ever!

I was looking at some old pictures and could not believe how different Anoushka looked and behaved (as a baby ofcourse!) and then it occured to me that I need to pen down all the funny incidents before they get washed out of my memory.
And what better way could there be other than blogging!!

Anyways, so here I am hoping to capture all the beautiful moments I spend with my GORGEOUS daughters!
Here is an intro to the main characters that you will see--
Anshu- 'THE DAD' who is always preoccupied in his complex world of transistors and flip flops. He gives periodic interupts like, " I love you!" and "You are so beautiful" while most of the meaningful conversations are carried out between the other characters of the play.
Anoushka- 'The STAR' is perpetually the center of attraction and around her the entire world (or the house) revolves. Wonderful toddler imagination coupled with her ingenious wit and queen's elegance provides most of the content for this blog.
Sania- ' The ADORABLE' cute little baby who does not really have much say in the wordly matters but sure does has unusual temper and has the everyone wrapped around her little fingers (which btw are inside her mittens!)

Renu-'The MUMMA' is me ofcourse! Whose multi tasking, juggling, time sharing, time slicing, frequency hoping and Code division multiple access multiplexing techniques fail flat on the face managing every day. The last one on her long prioritized list is 'resource starved' leaving dark circles and unkempt hair!
Anyways, so here we are!
Nice meeting you and a big Hi! and Welcome to my blog!

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