Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where is my crown?

In the middle of the night Anoushka woke up yelling: "Where is my crown?"
I ignored her for a bit but she wont give up. I told her its there. dont worry but she said again, Anoushka:"Where is my crown? Its not on my head."
Mommy:"Anoushka, Princesses dont sleep with the crown ON as it hurts to sleep in it. Your crown is kept in the bedroom for safe keeping."
and went to sleep instantaneously! :)

The other day I was driving her to the daycare and told her that she needs to tell me if there was anything wrong with my clothes. As in the collar was folded or the jacket with the wrong side up etc. and she jumps up and says "You mean you will change clothes in the car? You have clothes in the car?"

I always used the term 'Fire' saying that my boss will fire me if I go late to work or dont attend the conf call. Eventually after the company closed, Anoushka related that to being Fired and asked me
Anoushka:"Mom, did your boss throwed a candle at you to fire you?"
Mom:"No Anoushka. NO ONE DOES THAT! and dont ever talk like that."
Anoushka:"But did he throw candle at you to Fire you and then throwed water and said sorry?"

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