Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sania started on solids..

Pear Juice from grandmom. First new taste other than milk..

Next is pear slice.. Sanu loves to suck on the pear slices.. Home grown sweet pears!

Here comes the rice cereal.. Anoushka insists that she should feed Sania. (and really scares her)

Not enjoying the rice cereal
Sania thinks she can eat the corn from the cob.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I NEED Dumbledore's Pensieve..

That is a coolest thing ever.. There are so many (blog) ideas floating in my head that I cant possibly write them down. More than twice (in a week) I forgot to take the exit or took a wrong turn because I was so engrossed thinking about my 'next' blog write ups. And when I actually find time to write it, I forget everything I had thought about. It would be so nice if I could just store all those thoughts in a pensieve and use them later. What a killer start up idea!

Here are some tit bits-
1) All grown up! (in mumma's skirt below..)

Anoushka -"Mom, Annika says that I am only 3 years old" (Annika is a girl in her daycare who is probably 4+ old)
Mommy-"Its cool to be 3 years old. I would be so happy if I was 3."
Anoushka-"But I dont like being 3 yrs old. I want to be 5 yrs old."
Mommy- "You will be 5 yrs old."
Anoushka- "I want to be 5 yrs old NOW"
Mom-"If you be 5 yrs old, you will have to go to the Kindergarten"
Anoushka- "What is that?"
Mom-"Its like mumma goes to the office. You have to work."
Anoushka- "What is 'work'?"
Mom-"It like you have to write emails and do conference calls. And you get punish too."
Anoushka-"Oh mommy, your boss pulls your ear rings? Oh baby dont worry... I will protect you. Stay at home. ok? Mumma, tomm I wont go to daycare becos I need to protect you."

2) Role reversal?

Anoushka- "When I grow up, I will drive the car and you sit in the car seat ok? Will you be a good girl?"
Mom- "But why?"
Anoushka- "Bcos when I grow up BIG, you will be small. I will put nail paints on my hand and drive, drive, drive and go to the office and pick you up from the daycare."

3) Big Wedding plans-
Anoushka- "Dad, when I grow up, Will you marry me?"
Dad-" No Anoushka. I am your dad and I am already taken."
Anoushka-"But I need a 'BOY' to marry. Who is a boy?"
Anoushka thinking still..
Anoushka-"Can I marry Aman? He is a boy. I will marry him and then we both will play."
Mom-"But you will have to leave your mom (and dad) if you marry."
Anoushka-"No. But I will take you with me and daddy and Sania and Aaji (grandmom) and ajoba (grand dad). "

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008


I never thought I was a blog kind of person. I thought it would be stupid to let people into your world (and disappoint them by your true colors). And of course concerns about letting people know 'too' much about your life. And then there are so many mini-worlds that you live in where people have so many different opinions and expectations from you. Like a loving - mommy world with other moms, stern-professional world with your work people, exciting-romantic world with the special ones and so on... but all these online blogs and social networking essentially short circuit all of it.. Is it good? I dont know. (I am still on a watch/trial mode for it.) I have always enjoyed surprising people and breaking their stereotype, single dimension image they build in their minds of me.. There is nothing funner than F-ing around with people like that. And can they be any more predictable or what?
Anyways, so when I thought of blogging, they were the first ones I thought about (and the sad fact that I wont be around to see the reaction if I break the stereotypes. LOL)
Moreover, everytime I wrote something that I wanted certain people to not see, I thought to myself that my blog would have to be REALLY popular for those individuals to read it. But was I wrong! Just when you think there is no freaking way they would know that you have a blog, it happens.. And you cannot really stop writing all the juicy stuff that you feel so compelled to write about. so then what you do.. and that is when my favorite thing 'obfuscation' comes into picture. Many companies ago, I had a boss who had nice thick hair but I always called him 'baldy' in all our conversations when I had really good things to say about him. And when my friend asked why I called him baldy as he was no where close to balding.. I told him that was the point. He would never figure that it was him I was talking about.. now that is obfuscation!
And then I thought about all the times when I did not agree with things I had said at a given point in time and how I reacted opposite to what I had imagined on so many occassions. LOL. Blogs are exactly that.. a fictitious living.. and no one would ever know whats true and whats imagination. Oh now for the eye candy, let me throw in some of my favorite pictures.

Weekend stuff..

Sania had her 4 month appointment last week. And the doctor asked if she slept through the night. I told her that she sleeps next to me and sleeps through the night. So she asked how long we plan to keep her in our bed. And both me and Anshu immediately responded saying that well, the 3 and half year old sleeps with us still. And when I say sleeps with me, I dont mean in the same bed. I mean we actually cuddle up together. This is the picture Anshu took on the weekend. I did not realise how similar we both looked from this angle. I thought it was really cute. These days Anoushka sleeps in her own bed that is in our room and Sania sleeps with me just like this. Then in the morning Anoushka joins the party too. There is nothing more fun than having both of them next to me and thankfully so far they have never disturbed my sleep. And I completed Sania's Pinafore this weekend. I was really very pleased with how it turned up. Then we went to the Oakland Zoo. And both Sania and Anoushka were in our favorite baby carriers. Was I happy not pushing the stupid stroller around or what? We have a sleek pouch style diaper bag that clings to waist or can be over the shoulder and these two carriers and off we go! Not half as bad as I had thought it would be with two kids! Thank god for that. In fact, having two kids or kids for that matter, so far has only added fun to what we do/did. I cant think of anything that I really miss doing before we had kids. (Probably becos we leave kids with the grand parents and do the stuff anyways! LOL)