Anyways, so when I thought of blogging, they were the first ones I thought about (and the sad fact that I wont be around to see the reaction if I break the stereotypes. LOL)
Moreover, everytime I wrote something that I wanted certain people to not see, I thought to myself that my blog would have to be REALLY popular for those individuals to read it. But was I wrong! Just when you think there is no freaking way they would know that you have a blog, it happens.. And you cannot really stop writing all the juicy stuff that you feel so compelled to write about. so then what you do.. and that is when my favorite thing 'obfuscation' comes into picture. Many companies ago, I had a boss who had nice thick hair but I always called him 'baldy' in all our conversations when I had really good things to say about him. And when my friend asked why I called him baldy as he was no where close to balding.. I told him that was the point. He would never figure that it was him I was talking about.. now that is obfuscation!
And then I thought about all the times when I did not agree with things I had said at a given point in time and how I reacted opposite to what I had imagined on so many occassions. LOL. Blogs are exactly that.. a fictitious living.. and no one would ever know whats true and whats imagination. Oh now for the eye candy, let me throw in some of my favorite pictures.
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