Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Negotiation or should I say Manipulation?

I heard my friend say that little ones are big manipulators. Now, I wont call my own child a manipulator and given that I am in marketing, I thought I should put a positive spin and stick to Negotiation. Anyways. Saam, Daam, Dand and Bhed are four negotiation techniques out of which three are in play here. Saam- is to negotiate by mutual understanding, Daam- is to bribe, Dand- is to punish or compel and Bhed- is to divide and rule.

Scene I: I was sitting with Sania in my lap when Anoushka got home from the daycare.

Anoushka: Mommy, I want to hold Sania in my lap.
Mom: No Anoushka you cant hold her.
(Anoushka tries to snatch her unsuccessfully and gets very upset. Starts hitting me and still wants me to give her the baby to hold. )
Mom: (Cries- fake loudly) Ooo, Why do you hit me? Dont you love me?
Anoushka: Oh my baby! Dont cry. See you have Sania in your lap still. Are you happy? Dont cry.
Mom: (Stops crying) I love you.
Anoushka: (imitating mom) Baby, Will you give me Sania in my lap? If you give me Sania, I will give you lots of gifts. I will give you a gift, Corn, a dress (pause) a PINK dress.
Mom: OK. But promise me you will hold her carefully.
I give her Sania in her lap and she is happily holding her.

Scene II- One minute later
Anoushka: (shouts loudly) Mom, mom Sania is scratching me! get her, get her right now!
Mom takes the baby back.

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